Monday, November 19, 2007

Viral video project update

Well, filming is finally done! Hooray!

Scenes I and IV got shot over the weekend. It only took about 5 hours. In the end, I got some good footage for the project, "The information Genie." We celebrated the "wrap party" at Arnies.

For those who may not be familiar with the project, the short film is about an irresponsible young worker whose poor researching costs him his job. He finds a lamp with a genie that allows him to go back in time and correct his mistake.

I anticipate about 5-10 hours of editing work and sound work before the video will be available, which brings me to the viral stage of the project.

Video is becoming a more prominent medium on the web, as are the ways to distribute it. I intend to accomplish this in a few ways. The first problem to overcome is finding a place to host the video. One such place is certainly going to be Youtube. Once the video is up there, i can send the link out to people via email, and don't have to worry about using up a ridiculous amount of bandwidth. Also, once on youtube you can embed the video in social networks.

The target audience for this video is young business people. Social networks allow one option to reach this demo graph. The light-hearted nature of the project is enticing to watch in leisure time (which is when the target audience would be watching it) and then, hopefully, take the message of the video back to work with them, or spread it around to co-workers.

Email forwards from young workers can reach a slightly older demo graph. For the purpose of this project, I'll email the link to the video to the other members of this class. I hope you enjoy it!

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